

  • Abstracts should be prepared with 11 point size, consisting of at least 300 words, and 3 key words should be included under the abstracts.
  • Accepted submissions must be sent before the specified day with the print-ready format.
  • Papers should not exceed 15 pages.
  • References should be cited according to the APA citation rules. Papers prepared with a different bibliography system will not be published.
  • The size of the paper must be less than 20 mb.
  • Papers and abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman font with 11 point size in MS Word program.
  • If a special font is used, it must be specified and uploaded as a PDF in addition to the Word document.


Since blind review method is applied, only the author information and notes about the article (thanks, project support information, etc.) should be included on the first page of the article file; article text should start from the second page of the file.

The study must comply with grammar rules. In the article, the latest TDK Spelling Guide should be taken as basis in the use of punctuation marks, and the wording and abbreviations should be followed, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the scope and purpose should not be included. Scientific methods should be used in the preparation of the article, information such as the subject of the study, its purpose, scope, and the reason for its preparation should be provided in a sufficient and orderly manner.

Title: There title should be in the language which article is written, also in Turkish and English. It should be short, clear and adequately reflective of the content of the article, should be written in capital letters and bold, and should not exceed fifteen words.

Abstract and Keywords: The Turkish abstract should reflect the purpose, scope and results of the study. The abstract should be at least one hundred and at most two hundred words long. Turkish keywords should be written in a line under the abstract with at least three words and a maximum of six words. In addition, the abstract, title and keywords must also be in English. Articles written in a foreign language should include titles, abstracts and keywords in Turkish, English and the written language. There should be no language mistakes in abstracts in foreign languages. TAB gap should not be used in Summary and Abstract sections.

Main Text: It is preferable to write articles using MS Office Word software program (with .doc or .docx extension) not exceeding thirty-five pages.

Page Structure:

  • A4 size, Times New Roman 10 point size
  • Margins 1.5 cm from right, left, top and bottom
  • Line spacing 1
  • Page number should be given at the bottom of the page, centered
  • Except for the abstratc, paragraphs should be indented.

Main Headings: All of them should be written in capital letters, left aligned and bold. Numbering will be made except for the INTRODUCTION and RESULT sections.

Figures, tables, maps and photos: Figures, tables, maps and photos should not be beyond the writing area, if necessary, each should be on a separate page. Figures and tables should be numbered and named in Turkish and English according to their content. Numbers and titles should be written in 10 punto size, just the first letters of the words should be written with capital letters and they shoould be placed under the figures and above the tables. Times New Roman 10 punto size should be used in the contents of the tables and figures.

AP6 style in-text citation method should be used in the article.

In-text citations: Citation is basically done in two ways:

  • From 1975 to the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, the United States carried out military operations to foreign countries only six times, and from 1989 to 2004 nine major military operations were carried out and the number of soldiers sent was hundreds of thousands (Gray, 2005: 14).
  • According to Feroz Ahmad (2012: 101) one of the most important goals of the alphabet reform was was to accelerate the process of new literacy and education in Turkey.

When citing the work of two authors:

  • The Trans Pacific Treaty is one of the largest treaties on a global scale in recent years (Green and Goodman, 2015: 45).
  • According to Green and Goodman (2015: 45), the Trans Pacific Treaty is one of the largest treaties on a global scale in recent years.

To cite works with three or more authors, instead of using the surnames of other authors after the first author's surname, 'et al.' is used.

  • Climate has a determining feature on the human character. (Walter et al., 1998: 25)
  • According to Walter et al. (1998: 25), climate has a determining feature on human character.

When referring to studies with legal writers: If a group/legal person (such as associations, companies, government agencies and other working groups) is mentioned as the author, the name information regarding this group should be given in a clear and understandable way in the text. The group name may be abbreviated in some cases. If the group name is long, the abbreviation should be clear to everyone, or if there is an already known abbreviation for the name, both the open form and the abbreviation form can be used in the first use, and only the abbreviation can be used in the subsequent uses. If the group name is short or its abbreviation is not clear to all, the name is written clearly in all submissions.

If citation is done at the end of the sentence:

  • First citation: (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [TUBITAK], 2013)
  • Second and subsequent citations: (TÜBİTAK, 2013)
  • if the citation is done in a sentence
    First citation: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, 2013)
    Second and subsequent citations: TUBITAK (2013)
  • AMultiple citations in the same parenthesis: Multiple citations in the same parenthesis should be in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author and separated by a semicolon. Example: (Akbulut & Doğan, 2013; Şencan, 2003; Tonta, 2010)

Book with a single author: SURNAME, N. (Year), Title of the Book (Italic), City: Publishing House.
-- Example: BORTON, H. (1970), Japan's Modern Century, New York: The Ronald Press Company.

Book with multiple authors: SURNAME, N., SURNAME, N., SURNAME, N. (Year), Title of the Book (Italic), City: Publishing House.
-- Örnek: NIVISION, D., WRIGHT, A., ve BARY, W. (1959), Confucianism in Action, Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Book section: SURNAME, N. (Year), Title of the section, Editor's A. SURNAME, Title of the Book (Italic) (p. Page range) City: Publishing House.
-- Example:: WATSON, J.(1998), Engineering Education in Japan After the Iwakura Mission, I. Nish içinde, The Iwakura Mission in America and Europe: A New Assessment (s. 108-112), Surrey: Japan Library.

Journal article: SURNAME, N. (Year), Title of the article, Name of the journal (Italic), Volume (Number), p.
-- Example: HOLMES, S. (2004), An Extraordinary Odyssey: The Iwakura Embassy Translated, London Review Journal, 59(1), 83-119

Internet Citation: SURNAME, N. (Year), Title (Italic),…
-- Example: NARANGOA, L. (2000), Japan's Modernization: The Iwakura Mission to Scandinavia in 1873, Aarhus University on February 18, 2017: http://kontur.au.dk/fileadmin/www.kontur.au.dk/ Retrieved from OLD_ISSUES / pdf / kontur_02 / li_narangoa.pdf.

APA rules are taken from DergiPark .